You certainly DO NOT need to learn everything here. This list aims to simply provide you with the options of what you CAN learn (and some things you SHOULD learn – such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). So, it really is up to you what you want to learn.
Udemy Alternatives
- AcademicEarth
- Codecademy
- Coursera
- Eduonix
- edX
- freeCodeCamp
- Frontend Masters
- Khan Academy
- Laracasts
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Level Up Tutorials
- Lynda
- MDN Web Docs
- Packt
- Pluralsight
- Scrimba
- Skillshare
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- The Odin Project
- Treehouse
- Udacity
- W3Schools
- Wes Bos
- YouTube
Basic Tools

Computer & OS
- Linux
- MacOS
- Windows
Text Editors
- JetBrains JetBrains has multiple IDEs for multiple languages
- Komodo IDE
- Visual Studio
Web Browsers

- Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 by Jonas Schmedtmann (77 lectures / 12hrs)
- Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass) by Brad Traversy (129 lectures / 21hrs)
- Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS by Brad Schiff (71 lectures / 11hrs)
- Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! by Jonas Schmedtmann (125 lectures / 28hrs)
- CSS – The Complete Guide 2020 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (296 lectures / 22.5hrs)
- CSS Bootcamp – Master CSS (Including CSS Grid / Flexbox) by Code And Create (89 lectures / 11.5hrs)

- Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! by Jonas Schmedtmann (125 lectures / 28hrs)
- CSS – The Complete Guide 2020 (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (296 lectures / 22.5hrs)
- SASS – The Complete SASS Course (CSS Preprocessor) by Code And Create (51 lectures / 6hrs)
- The Complete Sass & SCSS Course: From Beginner to Advanced by Joe Parys (41 lectures / 4hrs)
- The Sass Course! Learn Sass for Real-World Websites by Brad Hussey (18 lectures / 3.5hrs)
CSS/UI Frameworks (Choose One)

- Nothing here yet…
- Bootstrap 4 – Create 4 Real World Projects by Code And Create (64 lectures / 10hrs)
- Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects by Brad Traversy (74 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- Bootstrap 4 Tutorial and 10 Projects Course by John Smilga (250 lectures / 44hrs)
- The Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp by Colt Steele (87 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- The Complete Bootstrap Masterclass Course – Build 4 Projects by Joe Parys (67 lectures / 7hrs)
- Master Materialize and code 3 projects with 9 pages by Jeppe Schaumburg Jensen (94 lectures / 9hrs)
- Materialize CSS From Scratch With 5 Projects by Brad Traversy (63 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- Master Bulma CSS framework and code 4 projects with 14 pages by Jeppe Schaumburg Jensen (127 lectures / 13hrs)
UI Design

- Complete Web & Mobile Designer in 2021: UI/UX, Figma, +more by Andrei Neagoie & Daniel Schifano (249 lectures / 25hrs)
- Learn Figma – UI/UX Design Essential Training by Caleb Kingston (47 lectures / 4hrs)
- Master Digital Product Design: UX Research & UI Design by Rob Sutcliffe (168 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- Sketching for UX Designers – Boost UX work with pen & paper! by Krisztina Szerovay, István Szép, & Gergely Szerovay (51 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- The Complete App Design Course – UX, UI and Design Thinking by App Brewery Co. (62 lectures / 3hrs)
- User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI UX Design by Daniel Walter Scott (94 lectures / 13hrs)
Vanilla JavaScript

For Beginners
- JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2021 (Beginner + Advanced) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (615 lectures / 52.5hrs)
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts by Anthony Alicea (85 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- Learn JavaScript: Full-Stack from Scratch by Brad Schiff (119 lectures / 27hrs)
- Modern JavaScript (Complete guide, from Novice to Ninja) by Shaun Pelling (173 lectures / 19hrs)
- Modern JavaScript From The Beginning by Brad Traversy (122 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert! by Jonas Schmedtmann (310 lectures / 67hrs)
- The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020) by Colt Steele & Stephen Grider (483 lectures / 52hrs)
- The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp by Andrew Mead (155 lectures / 29.5hrs)
ES6 Focused
- Accelerated ES6 JavaScript Training by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (115 lectures / 6hrs)
- ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide by Stephen Grider (68 lectures / 6hrs)
Project Focused
- 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript by Brad Traversy (121 lectures / 16hrs)
- 50 Projects In 50 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript by Brad Traversy & Florin Pop (164 lectures / 18.5hrs)
- JavaScript 2020 Build 55+ Real Projects Games Pure JS code by Laurence Svekis (696 lectures / 51.5hrs)
- Javascript Tutorial and Projects Course by John Smilga (355 lectures / 40hrs)
- JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio by Andrei Neagoie & Jacinto Wong (233 lectures / 33hrs)
Advanced JavaScript
- Advanced JavaScript by Asim Hussain (47 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- Advanced JavaScript Topics by Steven Hancock (93 lectures / 16hrs)
- JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts by Andrei Neagoie (225 lectures / 25hrs)
Other Tools To Start Learning

- Complete Git Guide: Understand and master Git and GitHub by Bogdan Stashchuk (267 lectures / 22hrs)
- Git & GitHub Masterclass by Tim Buchalka & Eduardo Rosas (73 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow by Brad Schiff (71 lectures / 15hrs)
- Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git by Jason Taylor (84 lectures / 6hrs)
- Git Essentials: Learn Git with Bitbucket and Sourcetree by Justin Rose (58 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- Git Github Gitkraken: Version Control without Command Line by Peter Gunardi (35 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- GIT: Advanced commands by Brian Gorman (40 lectures / 4hrs)
- GitHub Ultimate: Master Git and GitHub – Beginner to Expert by Jason Taylor (151 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- Understanding NPM – Node.js Package Manager by Bogdan Stashchuk (41 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- Yarn Dependency Management – The Complete Guide by Ray Viljoen (22 lectures / 1.5hrs)
- Parcel Bundler: The Complete Tutorial by Viktor Pyskunov (35 lectures / 3hrs)
- Webpack 5: The Complete Guide For Beginners by Viktor Pyskunov (63 lectures / 4.5hrs)
A Bit of Everything
- Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow by Brad Schiff (68 lectures / 15hrs)
- JavaScript Infrastructure: CLI, NPM, Babel 7 and Webpack 4 by OnlyKiosk Tech (68 lectures / 3.5hrs)
Basic Front End Deployment

GitHub Pages
- Git a Web Developer Job: Mastering the Modern Workflow by Brad Schiff (71 lectures / 15hrs)
- Netlify – The Complete Guide 2020 (FullStack Serverless) by Sashrika Waidyarathna (35 lectures / 3hrs)
Front End Framework & State Management (Choose One)

- Complete React Developer in 2021 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) by Andrei Neagoie & Yihua Zhang (360 lectures / 40.5hrs)
- GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide by Stephen Grider (115 lectures / 13hrs)
- Modern React with Redux [2020 Update] by Stephen Grider (563 lectures / 52.5hrs)
- React – The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (491 lectures / 40.5hrs)
- React Front To Back by Brad Traversy (91 lectures / 14hrs)
- The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux) by Andrew Mead (200 lectures / 39hrs)
- The Complete React Js & Redux Course – Build Modern Web Apps by Rob Percival & Rayan Slim (71 lectures / 8.5hrs)
- The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router) by Colt Steele (312 lectures / 39hrs)
React (Project Focused)
- React Tutorial and Projects Course by John Smilga (495 lectures / 56hrs)
- The React practice course, learn by building projects. by Coding Revolution (218 lectures / 44hrs)
React (Advanced)
- Advanced React and Redux: 2020 Edition by Stephen Grider (239 lectures / 21hrs)
- Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase by Shaun Pelling (118 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- The Complete Vue JS Course by Coding Revolution (204 lectures / 25.5hrs)
- The Complete Vue JS Developer Course – inc. Vue JS 2! by Filip Jerga & Rob Percival (279 lectures / 44hrs)
- Vue JS 2 – The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (400 lectures / 22hrs)
- Vue JS 2: From Beginner to Professional (includes Vuex) by Bo Andersen (221 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- Vue JS Essentials with Vuex and Vue Router by Stephen Grider (139 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (140 lectures / 11hrs)
- Angular – The Complete Guide (2020 Edition) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (503 lectures / 37hrs)
- Angular Crash Course for Busy Developers by Mosh Hamedani (137 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (119 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- Angular Front To Back by Brad Traversy (73 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- Learn and Understand AngularJS by Anthony Alicea (55 lectures / 7hrs)
- NgRx (with NgRx Data) – The Complete Guide (FREE E-Book) by Angular University (52 lectures / 6hrs)
- The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced by Mosh Hamedani (376 lectures / 29.5hrs)
- Svelte Tutorial and Projects Course by John Smilga (150 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- Svelte.js – The Complete Guide (incl. Sapper.js) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (196 lectures / 12.5hrs)

- Typescript: The Complete Developer’s Guide [2020] by Stephen Grider (278 lectures / 24.5hrs)
- Understanding TypeScript – 2020 Edition by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (352 lectures / 22hrs)

- Node.js Unit Testing In-Depth by Murtez Alrohani (45 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- React Testing with Jest and Enzyme by Bonnie Schulkin (165 lectures / 12hrs)
- The Complete Guide to Testing JavaScript & Node Applications by Kati Frantz (24 lectures / 2hrs)
- Unit Testing Your JavaScript With Jasmine by Juan Lizarazo (86 lectures / 6hrs)
Server-Side Rendering

Next (React)
- Complete Next.js with React & Node – Beautiful Portfolio App by Filip Jerga (371 lectures / 60hrs)
- Modern Server Side Rendering with React and Next.JS by Eduardo Silva (87 lectures / 8hrs)
- Next.JS with Sanity CMS – Serverless Blog App (w/ Vercel) by Filip Jerga (81 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- Server side rendering with Next + React by Coding Revolution (170 lectures / 29.5hrs)
- Strongly Typed Next.js by Michael Stromer (92 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- Universal React with Next.js – The Ultimate Guide by Reed Barger (90 lectures / 9.5hrs)
Nuxt (Vue)
- Complete Vuejs Course: Vue.js + Nuxt.js + PHP + Express.js by OnlyKiosk Tech (290 lectures / 18hrs)
- Nuxt.js – Vue.js on Steroids by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (106 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- The Complete Nuxt.js & Vue.js Course | Self Promo App by Filip Jerga (247 lectures / 41.5hrs)
Angular Universal (Angular)
- Angular Universal In Depth by Angular University (32 lectures / 4.5hrs)
Static Site Generators (Choose One)

Gatsby (React)
- Gatsby JS & Firebase: Build HYBRID realtime + static sites by Tom Phillips (65 lectures / 5hrs)
- Gatsby JS: Build PWA Blog With GraphQL And React + WordPress by Rangel Stoilov (42 lectures / 4hrs)
- Gatsby JS: Build static sites with React WordPress & GraphQL by Tom Phillips (42 lectures / 4hrs)
- Gatsby Tutorial and Projects Course by John Smilga (236 lectures / 22hrs)
- The Gatsby Masterclass by Reed Barger (43 lectures / 4hrs)
Gridsome (Vue)
- Blazing-Fast Vue and GraphQL with Gridsome by Reed Barger (28 lectures / 3hrs)
11ty (JavaScript Alternative to Jekyll)
- Nothing here yet…
Jekyll (Ruby)
- Jekyll: Make Fast, Secure Static Sites and Blogs With Jekyll by Jana Bergant (31 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- Nothing here yet…
Headless CMS (Choose One)

- The Complete Strapi Course by Alex V (327 lectures / 27hrs)
- Next.JS with Sanity CMS – Serverless Blog App (w/ Vercel) by Filip Jerga (81 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- Build a Website Using ReactJs and Contentful (Headless CMS) by Sarfaraz Kasmani (55 lectures / 6hrs)
- Gatsby JS & Prismic: Build RAPID Gatsby sites | Gatsby 2020 by Sarfaraz Kasmani (35 lectures / 3hrs)
- Complete WordPress Theme & Plugin Development Course [2020] by Zac Gordon (176 lectures / 16hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Aliexpress Dropship course by Tim Sharp (65 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Website Business Course by Rob Percival & Gregg Davis (102 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly by Andrew Williams (92 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners: Create a Website Step by Step by Brad Schiff (25 lectures / 5hrs)
- WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap by Brad Hussey (83 lectures / 12hrs)
The Jamstack – JavaScript, APIs & Markup

- JAMStack: The Complete Guide by Ray Viljoen (29 lectures / 4.5hrs)
Server Side Language (Choose One)

- Learn and Understand NodeJS by Anthony Alicea (97 lectures / 13hrs)
- Node JS: Advanced Concepts by Stephen Grider (166 lectures / 16hrs)
- Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB by Brad Traversy (76 lectures / 12hrs)
- Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2020 by Jonas Schmedtmann (166 lectures / 16hrs)
- Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018) by Mosh Hamedani (224 lectures / 15hrs)
- NodeJS – The Complete Guide (incl. MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (487 lectures / 36hrs)
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course (3rd Edition) by Andrew Mead & Rob Percival (177 lectures / 34.5hrs)
- The Definitive Node.Js Developer Course by Coding Revolution (239 lectures / 23.5hrs)
- Deno: The Complete Guide Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie & Adam Odziemkowski (171 lectures / 13hrs)
- Full-stack Deno with GraphQL, NextJS, and PostgreSQL by Simple Coder (85 lectures / 10hrs)
- Learn and Understand Deno Js – Beginner Guide by Fadi Nouh & Dmytro Bondarenko (42 lectures / 2hrs)
- Master Deno, React, Mongo, NGINX running with Docker-Compose by Icaro Lavrador (213 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- Mastering Deno.js: Beginner to Expert [2020] by Ilkin Guluzada (17 lectures / 1.5hrs)
- NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (541 lectures / 40.5hrs)
- Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3 by Jose Portilla (185 lectures / 24hrs)
- Complete Python Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie (327 lectures / 30.5hrs)
- Learn Python Programming Masterclass by Tim Buchalka & Jean-Paul Roberts (276 lectures / 46hrs)
- Python for Absolute Beginners by Green Chameleon Learning (67 lectures / 3hrs)
- The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing by Jose Salvatierra & Rob Percival (343 lectures / 35hrs)
- The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp by Colt Steele (374 lectures / 29.5hrs)
- The Python Bible™ | Everything You Need to Program in Python by Ziyad Yehia (73 lectures / 9hrs)
- The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications by Ardit Sulce (264 lectures / 23.5hrs)
C Sharp (C#)
- C# Advanced Topics: Prepare for Technical Interviews by Mosh Hamedani (21 lectures / 3hrs)
- C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding by Mosh Hamedani (87 lectures / 5hrs)
- C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP by Mosh Hamedani (45 lectures / 5.5hrs)
- Complete C# Masterclass by Denis Panjuta (222 lectures / 31.5hrs)
- Design Patterns in C# and .NET by Dmitri Nesteruk (145 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- Learn C# By Building Applications by Avetis Ghukasyan (100 lectures / 13.5hrs)
- The Complete C# and Object-Oriented Programming Course by Ahmad Mohey (21 lectures / 21hrs)
- Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp by Jose Portilla & Inanc Gumus (297 lectures / 22hrs)
- Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) by Stephen Grider (82 lectures / 9hrs)
- Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language by Todd McLeod (373 lectures / 46.5hrs)
- Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language by Todd McLeod (171 lectures / 19hrs)
- Learn to Code with Ruby by Boris Paskhaver (257 lectures / 31.5hrs)
- Object Oriented PHP & MVC by Brad Traversy (44 lectures / 6.5hrs)
- PHP for Beginners – Become a PHP Master – CMS Project by Edwin Diaz (344 lectures / 38hrs)
- PHP OOP: Object Oriented Programming for beginners + Project by Edwin Diaz (224 lectures / 18.5hrs)
- Java In-Depth: Become a Complete Java Engineer! by Dheeru Mundluru (349 lectures / 62.5hrs)
- Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers by Tim Buchalka & Kevin McClung (396 lectures / 79.5hrs)
- The Rust Programming Language by Dmitri Nesteruk (51 lectures / 7hrs)
Server Side Framework (Choose One)

Express (Node)
- Just Express (with a bunch of node and http). In detail. by Robert Bunch (57 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- See Node section above – Express is covered in those courses as well
Koa (Node)
- Node.Js: Learning Koa.Js By Building REST APIs by Haider Malik (57 lectures / 12.5hrs)
Nest (Node)
- NestJs in Practice (with MongoDB) by Angular University (45 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- NestJS Zero to Hero – Modern TypeScript Back-end Development by Ariel Weinberger (102 lectures / 6.5hrs)
Loopback (Node)
- Loopback 4: Modern Ways to Build APIs in TypeScript & NodeJs by Haider Malik (47 lectures / 5hrs)
Django (Python)
- Coding for Entrepreneurs: Learn Python, Django, and More by Justin Mitchel (251 lectures / 45hrs)
- Django & Python: complete BUNDLE + Django real world project by Arash Shahvar (287 lectures / 47hrs)
- Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp by Nick Walter (78 lectures / 10hrs)
- Django Core | A Reference Guide to Core Django Concepts by Justin Mitchel (159 lectures / 18.5hrs)
- Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp by Jose Portilla (198 lectures / 32hrs)
- Python Django Dev To Deployment by Brad Traversy (70 lectures / 11hrs)
Flask (Python)
- Advanced REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra (130 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- Complete Python Web Course: Build 8 Python Web Apps by Jose Salvatierra (161 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask! by Jose Portilla (126 lectures / 20hrs)
- Python Flask for Beginners: Build a CRUD web app using Flask by Febin George (28 lectures / 3hrs)
- REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra (170 lectures / 17hrs)
- The Flask Mega-Tutorial (Python Web Development) by Miguel Grinberg (192 lectures / 11.5hrs)
- The Ultimate Flask Course by Anthony Herbert (340 lectures / 27hrs)
Laravel (PHP)
- Laravel 2019, the complete guide with real world projects by Kati Frantz (196 lectures / 24hrs)
- Master Laravel PHP for Beginners and Intermediate by Piotr Jura (216 lectures / 30hrs)
- PHP with Laravel for beginners – Become a Master in Laravel by Edwin Diaz (336 lectures / 32hrs)
- RESTful API with Laravel: Build a real API with Laravel by JuanDMeGon (225 lectures / 14.5hrs)
Symfony (PHP)
- Learn PHP Symfony 4 Hands-On Creating Real World Application by Piotr Jura (114 lectures / 13.5hrs)
- Learn Symfony 3 framework by practical examples by Wojciech Ciolko (48 lectures / 4hrs)
- Symfony 4 & 5 Web Development Guide: Beginner To Advanced by Symfony & Laravel Stuff (267 lectures / 20hrs)
Slim (PHP)
- Nothing here yet…
- The Complete ASP.NET MVC 5 Course by Mosh Hamedani (139 lectures / 7.5hrs)
Spring MVC (Java)
- Java Spring Tutorial Masterclass – Learn Spring Framework 5 by Tim Buchalka & Goran Lochert (273 lectures / 45hrs)
- RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC and JPA by Sergey Kargopolov (233 lectures / 20hrs)
- Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru by John Thompson (498 lectures / 52.5hrs)
- Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (includes Spring Boot) by Chad Darby (561 lectures / 41hrs)
Grails (Java)
- Mastering Grails. A Comprehensive Grails Course. by Infinite Skills (71 lectures / 5.5hrs)
Ruby on Rails (Ruby)
- Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 – Become a Professional Developer by Jordan Hudgens (246 lectures / 43hrs)
- The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course by Rob Percival & Mashrur Hossain (432 lectures / 48hrs)
Sinatra (Ruby)
- Nothing here yet…
Database (Choose One)

- Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners by John Elder (24 lectures / 2hrs)
- SQL & Database Design A-Z™: Learn MS SQL Server + PostgreSQL by Kirill Eremenko & Ilya Eremenko (103 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- SQL & PostgreSQL for Beginners by Jon Avis (109 lectures / 8hrs)
- Up and Running With PostgreSQL 11 by Nelson Djalo (103 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- MongoDB – The Complete Developer’s Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (263 lectures / 17hrs)
- MongoDB Essentials – Complete MongoDB Guide by John Purcell (223 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- The Complete Developers Guide to MongoDBby Stephen Grider (129 lectures / 13.5hrs)
- MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced by John Purcell (136 lectures / 18.5hrs)
- SQL – MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence by 365 Careers (286 lectures / 9.5hrs)
- SQL Beginner to Guru: MySQL Edition – Master SQL with MySQL by John Thompson (166 lectures / 11hrs)
- SQL for Beginners: Learn SQL using MySQL and Database Design by Tim Buchalka & Jon Avis (122 lectures / 8hrs)
- The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert by Colt Steele & Ian Schoonover (319 lectures / 20hrs)
MS SQL Server
- SQL & Database Design A-Z™: Learn MS SQL Server + PostgreSQL by Kirill Eremenko & Ilya Eremenko (103 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- NOTE There aren’t really any courses on JUST Firebase specifically, it is usually paired with something else. Popular choices include Angular, Vue, iOS, & Android.
- Complete Guide to Elasticsearch by Bo Andersen (143 lectures / 12hrs)
- Complete Elasticsearch Masterclass with Logstash and Kibana by Imtiaz Ahmad (26 lectures / 6hrs)
- Elasticsearch 7 and the Elastic Stack: In Depth and Hands On by Frank Kane (123 lectures / 16.5hrs)
- Elasticsearch Masterclass [Incl., Elasticsearch 7 update] by Vinoth Parthasarathy (16 lectures / 6hrs)
- Understanding CouchDB 3: Learn Basic & Advanced NoSQL Skills by Greg Miller (53 lectures / 7hrs)
- Learn Redis from Scratch by Eduonix (32 lectures / 3hrs)

- GraphQL is typically used with React & Node
- Create a Twitter Clone with Node.js, Socket.IO and MongoDB by Reece Kenney (274 lectures / 25.5hrs)
- Socket.IO (with websockets) – the details. (socket io v2) by Robert Bunch (69 lectures / 14hrs)
- Socket.IO Chat App in React Native for iOS/Android by Stefan Hyltoft (37 lectures / 3hrs)
WordPress Development

- Complete WordPress Theme & Plugin Development Course [2020] by Zac Gordon (176 lectures / 16hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Aliexpress Dropship course by Tim Sharp (65 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Website Business Course by Rob Percival & Gregg Davis (102 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly by Andrew Williams (92 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners: Create a Website Step by Step by Brad Schiff (25 lectures / 5hrs)
- WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap by Brad Hussey (83 lectures / 12hrs)
Deployment, Servers & DevOps

- While there aren’t really any courses on how to deploy a site to Heroku, there are plenty of tutorials over on YouTube you can use.
Digital Ocean
- Using Digital Ocean Spaces by Brenton Currie (20 lectures / 2hrs)
- There is a LOT to cover about AWS. Use this link to see search results for AWS
- There is a LOT to cover about Azure. Use this link to see search results for AWS
- Nginx Fundamentals: High Performance Servers from Scratch by Ray Viljoen (39 lectures / 4hrs)
- The Perfect Nginx Server – Ubuntu Edition by Andrew Eaton (94 lectures / 9hrs)
- Setup Your Own Web Hosting Environment by Gabriel Avramescu (17 lectures / 2hrs)
- There a ton of variants when it comes to Apache. There’s Tomcat, Kafka, Spark, Cassandra, and more. You’ll have to do some research on your own which one suits your needs as I am not familiar with this topic myself.
- Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide by Stephen Grider (299 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- Docker Crash Course for busy DevOps and Developers by Tao W. & James Lee (49 lectures / 3hrs)
- Docker for the Absolute Beginner – Hands On – DevOps by Mumshad Mannambeth (48 lectures / 4hrs)
- Docker Mastery: with Kubernetes +Swarm from a Docker Captain by Bret Fisher (172 lectures / 19.5hrs)
- Docker Swarm Mastery: DevOps Style Cluster Orchestration by Bret Fisher (67 lectures / 9.5hrs)
- Vagrant Fundamentals for Achieving DevOps Success by Craig Dunn (21 lectures / 1hrs)
- Vagrant Quick Start: Virtualized Development Environments by Jason Taylor (52 lectures / 2hrs)
- Vagrant Up! Comprehensive development system automation by Jason Taylor (46 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- Nothing here yet…
- Nothing here yet…
- Jenkins, From Zero To Hero: Become a DevOps Jenkins Master by Ricardo Andre Gonzalez Gomez (165 lectures / 10.5hrs)
Travis CI
- Nothing here yet…
Circle CI
- Nothing here yet…
SSH (Secure Shell)
- Beginner SSH Secure Shell – Hands on! by Patrik Staš (61 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- Secure Shell Fundamentals – Learn SSH By Configuring It by Ted LeRoy (33 lectures / 3.5hrs)
- Setup a Virtual Web Server using Linode or Digital Ocean by YouAccel Training (37 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- SSL Complete Guide 2020: HTTP to HTTPS by Bogdan Stashchuk (109 lectures / 11hrs)
Mobile Development (Optional) (Choose One)

- Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer’s Guide by Stephen Grider (401 lectures / 31hrs)
- Flutter & Dart – The Complete Flutter App Development Course by Paulo Dichone (226 lectures / 29hrs)
- Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (604 lectures / 58.5hrs)
- The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart by Angela Yu (199 lectures / 26.5hrs)
React Native
- React Native – The Practical Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (473 lectures / 43.5hrs)
- React Native: Advanced Concepts by Stephen Grider (151 lectures / 16.5hrs)
- The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition] by Stephen Grider (418 lectures / 38.5hrs)
- The Complete React Native Course (2nd Edition) by Coding Revolution (315 lectures / 57hrs)
- Ionic 4 – Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (508 lectures / 34.5hrs)
- The Advanced Xamarin Developer Masterclass by Tim Buchalka & Eduardo Rosas (88 lectures / 13.5hrs)
- The Complete Xamarin Developer Course: iOS And Android! by Tim Buchalka & Eduardo Rosas (205 lectures / 29hrs)
- Xamarin Forms: Build Native Cross-platform Apps with C# by Mosh Hamedani (117 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin by Tim Buchalka & Jean-Paul Roberts (295 lectures / 52.5hrs)
- Kotlin Android Development Masterclass by Paulo Dichone (223 lectures / 32.5hrs)
- Kotlin for Android O Development: From Beginner to Advanced by Atil Samancioglu & Joe Parys (191 lectures / 15.5hrs)
- The Complete Android + Kotlin Developer Course™ by Morteza Kordi & Maid Rondić (272 lectures / 37hrs)
- The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course by Hussein Al Rubaye (205 lectures / 33.5hrs)
- iOS 13 & Swift 5 – The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu (510 lectures / 58hrs)
- The Complete iOS 13 Developer Course – and SwiftUI! by Rob Percival & Atil Samancioglu (299 lectures / 36hrs)
- NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (240 lectures / 20.5hrs)
- Android Java Masterclass – Become an App Developer by Tim Buchalka & Jean-Paul Roberts (320 lectures / 60hrs)
- Android O & Java – The Complete Android Development Bootcamp by Philipp Muellauer (289 lectures / 21hrs)
- The Complete Android & Java Developer Course – Build 21 Apps by Paulo Dichone (228 lectures / 34.5hrs)
- The Complete Android Q + Java Developer Course™ : 2020 by Morteza Kordi & Maid Rondić (582 lectures / 141hrs)
PWA: Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps
- Progressive Web Apps (PWA) – The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (208 lectures / 16hrs)
- PWA with Vue JS, Quasar & Firebase (with NodeJS & Express) by Danny Connell (236 lectures / 15hrs)
Desktop Apps with Web Technologies

- Electron for Desktop Apps: The Complete Developer’s Guide by Stephen Grider (77 lectures / 8hrs)
- Master Electron: Desktop Apps with HTML, JavaScript & CSS by Ray Viljoen (57 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- Nothing here yet…
Tkinter (Python)
- GUI Development with Python and Tkinter by Jose Salvatierra (116 lectures / 11hrs)
- Python Tkinter Masterclass – Learn Python GUI Programming by Tim Buchalka & Volkan Atış (87 lectures / 13.5hrs)
AI/Machine Learning

- Complete Guide to TensorFlow for Deep Learning with Python by Jose Portilla (96 lectures / 14hrs)
- Data Science: Deep Learning in Python by Lazy Programmer Inc. (85 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python by Frank Kane (110 lectures / 14hrs)
- Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science by Kirill Eremenko & Hadelin de Ponteves (294 lectures / 41hrs)
- Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp by Jose Portilla (149 lectures / 22.5hrs)
- Machine Learning with Javascript by Stephen Grider (185 lectures / 17.5hrs)
Web Assembly

Web Assembly
- WebAssembly Beginner to Advanced 2020 by Krisztián Sala (35 lectures / 3hrs)
- Beginning C++ Programming – From Beginner to Beyond by Tim Buchalka & Dr. Frank Mitropoulos (277 lectures / 41.5hrs)
- Learn C++ Programming -Beginner to Advance- Deep Dive in C++ by Abdul Bari (279 lectures / 30.5hrs)
- C++: From Beginner to Expert by Arkadiusz Włodarczyk (83 lectures / 16hrs)
- The Rust Programming Language by Dmitri Nesteruk (51 lectures / 7hrs)
- Nothing here yet…
Algorithms & Data Structures

- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass by Colt Steele (249 lectures / 22hrs)
- Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms by Andrei Neagoie (259 lectures / 19.5hrs)
- The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures by Stephen Grider (135 lectures / 13hrs)
- Ultimate JavaScript Interview Course by Eric Traub (243 lectures / 11hrs)
- Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ by Abdul Bari (389 lectures / 58.5hrs)
- Python for Data Structures, Algorithms, and Interviews! by Jose Portilla (228 lectures / 17hrs)
- Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java by Tim Buchalka & Goran Lochert (116 lectures / 16hrs)
Software Design Patterns

Software Design Patterns
- Nothing here yet…
Wow, that is a LOT to learn! 2021 is looking to be an amazing time to learn all there is about web development, and far more than that too.
But wait, there’s even MORE!!
Udemy is also well known for having all-in-one full stack web development courses, as well as more recently full stack courses with specific technologies, such as MERN, MEAN, and recently MEVN. These 3 all use the same 3 letters: M, E, & N which stand for MongoDB, Express, and Node. The key difference between them is which JavaScript library/framework they use on the front end. MERN uses React, MEAN uses Angular, and MEVN uses Vue.
Full Stack (Beginner)
- The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu (440 lectures / 55hrs)
- The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0 by Rob Percival (309 lectures / 30.5hrs)
- The Complete Web Developer in 2021: Zero to Mastery by Andrei Neagoie (370 lectures / 37hrs)
- The Web Developer Bootcamp 2020 by Colt Steele (613 lectures / 63hrs)
Full Stack (Advanced)
- The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele, Elie Schoppik, Tim Garcia, & Matt Lane (391 lectures / 34hrs)
- The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2021) by Andrei Neagoie (422 lectures / 36.5hrs)
- MERN eCommerce From Scratch by Brad Traversy (91 lectures / 15hrs)
- MERN Stack – React Node from Scratch Building Social Network by Ryan Dhungel (234 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- MERN Stack – The Complete Guide by Reed Barger (44 lectures / 8.5hrs)
- MERN Stack Front To Back: Full Stack React, Redux & Node.js by Brad Traversy (73 lectures / 12hrs)
- MERN Stack React Node Ecommerce from Scratch to Deployment by Ryan Dhungel (162 lectures / 16.5hrs)
- MERN Stack React Node Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO by Ryan Dhungel (170 lectures / 21hrs)
- MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication by Ryan Dhungel (82 lectures / 9.5hrs)
- Node with React: Fullstack Web Development by Stephen Grider (207 lectures / 26hrs)
- React, NodeJS, Express & MongoDB – The MERN Fullstack Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller & Manuel Lorenz (206 lectures / 19hrs)
- The complete React Fullstack course ( 2nd edition ) by Coding Revolution (455 lectures / 73hrs)
- Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide [2020 Edition] by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (149 lectures / 13hrs)
From 2020 Course List
Content Management
- Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power With Code by Brad Schiff (113 lectures / 27hrs)
- Complete WordPress Development Themes and Plugins Course by Zac Gordon (175 lectures / 16hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Aliexpress Dropship course by Tim Sharp (65 lectures / 4.5hrs)
- The Complete WordPress Website Business Course by Rob Percival & Gregg Davis (102 lectures / 21.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly by Andrew Williams (92 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- WordPress for Beginners: Create a Website Step by Step by Brad Schiff (23 lectures / 5hrs)
- WordPress Theme Development with Bootstrap by Brad Hussey (83 lectures / 12hrs)
- Drupal 8 for Beginners by Packt Publishing (37 lectures / 4hrs)
- DRUPAL TUTORIAL: Drupal 8 Beginner to Advanced in 8 PROJECTS by Srikanth Shirodkar (79 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- Learning Drupal 8 by Infinite Skills (101 lectures / 9.5hrs)
Serverless Architecture
AWS Lambda
- AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps) by Riyaz Sayyad (301 lectures / 25.5hrs)
- AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework – Hands On Learning! by Stephane Maarek (38 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- AWS Serverless APIs & Apps – A Complete Introduction by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (142 lectures / 7.5hrs)
- Build a Serverless App with AWS Lambda – Hands On! by Frank Kane & Brian Tajuddin (60 lectures / 7.5hrs)
API-First Design
- Advanced REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra (130 lectures / 12.5hrs)
- API and Web Service Introduction by Nate Ross (53 lectures / 5.5hrs)
- Node.js API Masterclass With Express & MongoDB by Brad Traversy (76 lectures / 12hrs)
- Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2020 by Jonas Schmedtmann (227 lectures / 42hrs)
- Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018) by Mosh Hamedani (224 lectures / 15hrs)
- NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno) by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (541 lectures / 40.5hrs)
- Postman: The Complete Guide – REST API Testing by Valentin Despa (131 lectures / 14hrs)
- Python REST APIs with Flask, Docker, MongoDB, and AWS DevOps by Tim Buchalka & El Farouk Yasser (45 lectures / 10.5hrs)
- REST API Design, Development & Management by Rajeev Sakhuja (50 lectures / 7hrs)
- REST API Testing (Automation) from Scratch – Rest Assured Java by Rahul Shetty (133 lectures / 23.5hrs)
- REST API Testing, Automation via Postman + real Google API by Sergei Semenov (29 lectures / 2.5hrs)
- REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra (170 lectures / 17hrs)
- WebServices API Testing Using Rest Assured API & Postman by Rahul Arora (138 lectures / 37.5hrs)
- WebServices/Rest API Testing with SoapUI + Real Time Project by Rahul Shetty (107 lectures / 19hrs)
Are you by any chance an expert?
Not a bad blog, I read it – added it to bookmarks, write more, I will follow the RSS.
Between us, I would go the other way.
Well said.
Nishtyak seems to me!
Great article, thanks!